Holy Imagination.

The Wisconsin Council of Churches (WCC) is a network of Christian churches and faith-based organizations committed to working together across our many differences. Exercising holy imagination, we help one another make courageous choices that lead toward peacemaking, social and economic justice for Wisconsin’s most vulnerable residents, the vitality of the church, and the well-being of our neighbors. The Council connects 21 Christian traditions, which have within them approximately 2,000 congregations and over one million church members. Join with us as we pray and work together for the unity and renewal of the church and the healing and reconciliation of the world.

Currently At The Council

  • Loving Your Neighbor In An Election Season

    In the midst of a divisive election season, it can be challenging to navigate the turbulent waters of political discourse while maintaining our commitment to loving our neighbors. At the WCC, we want to help.

  • Four poll chaplains wearing yellow hats that say "clergy" and vests smile for the camera.

    Poll Chaplains

    Clergy are invited to volunteer as poll chaplains on election day. Poll chaplains provide spiritual care, a peaceful presence, a sense of security, and a calming influence at the polling place.

  • Digital Equity

    We live in a world where digital access is a requirement for daily life. Churches are in a unique position to address these needs in their communities. Part of a church’s digital ministry should also include digital equity.