Indigenous Justice

The Wisconsin Council of Churches engages in Indigenous Justice efforts as part of our commitments to restorative action for the entanglement of Christian churches in patterns of domination and the work of empire. Our ministry includes:

a wisconsin council of churches event with a person speaking into a microphone
  • Study, education, and truth-telling

  • Wealth Return

  • Political Solidarity

  • Spiritual Practices

  • Commitment to Relationship*

*These practices are informed by the Reparatory Eco-Map of our siblings at Sacred Reckonings.

What We’re Doing

A portion of our Community Investment Program funds are designated to Native Community Development Financial Institutions, to return working capital to communities that have had resources stripped from them. Our staff attends the Wisconsin Intertribal Repatriation Committee quarterly in order to bear witness to the ongoing work of restoration and to build relationships. We have facilitated the return of thousands of dollars from Wisconsin churches to assist in the work of repatriation and education. Our staff regularly travels around the state to preach and teach about indigenous justice. We also attend to the political concerns of First Nations, raising awareness of issues such as the Brothertown Indian Nation’s efforts to regain Federal Recognition.

What We Can Help You Do

We have made these internal commitments as a Council, and also extend opportunities to our members. Our staff can assist your church or organization in the process of learning and exploring paths forward.

Resources we can offer include:

  • Guest preacher/speakers

  • “Land Acknowledgments Done Better” Workshop

  • Accompaniment in developing a Land Acknowledgment Statement

  • Book, article, and website recommendations for doing your own work

  • Consultation on indigenous justice pathways, resources and relationships

  • Examples of Restorative Action steps taken by other Wisconsin churches

  • Investment Opportunities for our members through the Community Investment Program

  • Guidance on wealth return through the Wisconsin Intertribal Repatriation Committee

Contact us to book a speaker or a conversation about any of these.