Community Care
Community Care is a term that comes from those working in disability justice and we think it describes well the work that churches do. Our faith calls us to love and love requires a mutual giving and receiving of care. This page contains resources to help your congregation expand your network of care.
Churches have a long tradition of providing care for their communities. Sometimes this is through formal programs like food pantries, clothing closets, caring ministry teams or one of the multitude of other ways churches help meet needs. Sometimes it’s through providing space to non-profit organizations that offer care for people. Sometimes it’s through informal acts of care that involve actions like providing a gas card, paying for a hotel room, or just offering a listening ear. Churches are a natural part of our community and can act as a resource hub, connecting people to care both inside and outside of our buildings.
Digital Equity
Digital access is a requirement to function in our world. We want to encourage congregationa to expand their understanding of digital ministry to include digital equity by addressing access, adoption, and affordability.
Indigenous Justice
The Wisconsin Council of Churches acknowledges the entanglement of Christian churches in patterns of domination and the work of empire, and outlines their efforts towards Indigenous Justice through various means such as education, wealth return, political solidarity, spiritual practices, and fostering relationships.