Courage. Justice. Holy Imagination.

The Wisconsin Council of Churches

The work of the Wisconsin Council of Churches is guided by a Theory of Change that we’ve developed together as board and staff. Christian Unity is the foundational concept of the ecumenical movement and underlies all of our work. We believe the work of unity is undertaken not just for itself/ourselves but also to address the needs of the most vulnerable among us.  

Our Values

In all our efforts, we are energized by the values of courage, justice, and holy imagination. Our theological grounding explains these values in more detail. 

  • Cultivating Holy Imagination is an important animating value for the Council’s work

  • Build community and expand relationships

  • Doing and teaching the combination of Jesus and justice in public

  • Equip people for public witness rooted in faith, and for using their power when needed

  • Further possibilities for ecumenical innovation - cooperation, collaboration and true partnership across denominational lines, locally and regionally.

The most current version of our Theory of Change identifies challenges before church and society as disorientation, dislocation, and fragmentation: voices of exclusion and fear, siloing and supremacy, and an absence of grace. We choose to respond by modeling alternatives to these ways of being and doing. We build networks that offer care and joy, create and innovate (building new alongside the old), and engage in cycles of action-reflection based on shared values.