
Some of the WCC staff are available for preaching and or speaking engagements. Click below to see topics that we are available to speak on.

WCC Board of Directors

The Board of Directors meets four times a year.  It is composed of 12-15 members elected by the annual meeting.  The Board has specific governance responsibilities, including fiduciary oversight, program review, and visioning.

  • President - Rev. Dr. Joy Gallmon, 4th Episcopal District, African Methodist Episcopal Church                                 

  • Vice President - Rev. Dr. Matthew Sauer, Winnebago Presbytery, PC(USA)    

  • Secretary - Rev. Valerie Showalter, Mennonite Church, Central District Conference                  

  • Treasurer - Rev. Don Fleischman, Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin                                        

  • Immediate Past President- Rev. Dr. D. Jonathan Grieser, Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin