Election years can be challenging.

In the midst of a divisive election season, it can be challenging to navigate the turbulent waters of political discourse while maintaining our commitment to loving our neighbors. As Christians, we are called to be peacemakers and to extend grace and understanding to those around us, even when we disagree. To help you navigate this difficult time, we have compiled a set of resources designed to equip you and your church to love your neighbors effectively, thoughtfully, and meaningfully.

Election Year Resources for Churches

  • Seven Prayers With Seven Scriptures

    Written by Rev. Mindi Welton-Mitchell of the American Baptist Church, these prayers are meant to guide you as you navigate these difficult times.

  • Be a Poll Chaplain

    Clergy are invited to provide spiritual care, a peaceful presence, a sense of security, and a calming influence at the polling place.

  • A pulpit with microphone

    Worship Resources for the Election Season

    Prayers, sermon series, preaching resources and more to help your worship leadership during the election season.

  • Host A Listening Session: What Does Your Soul Need In An Election Season?

    Offering a space to share these burdens among fellow parishioners nurtures the sense that church is a place where we can bring what pains us.

  • Image of computer and cup of coffee

    Webinars for Navigating the Election Season

    Partnering with the Clergy Emergency League we are excited to offer 4 webinars to aid clergy and congregations during this election season.

  • A person holding a sign that says "how do our battered and tender hearts bear all this pain?"

    Responding to Political Violence

    “Faithfulness to its mission requires the Church to speak out against violence, minister to its victims and work tirelessly to reduce the level of violence in society.” Our judicatories and members continue to speak out against political violence.

  • A Major Political Event is Coming to Your City – What Should You Do?

    We write this brief guide as a faith-based tool for preparedness in a highly polarized state and time.

More content coming soon!

In August, we will post worship resources including but not limited to a 4-week sermon series, prayers, articles & essays, and RCL preaching guides for weeks pre and post-election and hymns.