Taking A Faithful Stand
For Equity
Taking a Faithful Stand for Equity started as a one time teaching webinar whose work expanded into a statewide campaign working on equity with a particular focus on what is happening in our schools. Currently, this group gathers for monthly webinars featuring speakers on a variety of topics related to equity and a time for local organizing around the state.
To join our email list and receive invitations to these webinars and other events, please sign the pledge.
What Is The Pledge?
By signing our pledge, you are joining us in saying that…
YES! I want to be an effective advocate for racial equity in our schools and in my local community.
I commit to:
Prepare myself to be an advocate for equity, truth and nonviolence, using the tools of my faith and ethical commitments.
Monitor agendas and public discourse relating to my local government bodies (school boards, common councils, county boards, etc) so I am aware of items which may invite the engagement of those with white supremacist views or goals.
Be prepared to take action by being physically present at meetings, speaking publicly during public comment periods, submitting written testimony, and/or responding to other opportunities for citizen/resident input.
Seek out like-minded colleagues, neighbors and friends and engage at least one of them in this work with me.
Share updates with “Taking a Faithful Stand” organizers when related activity is taking place in my area so allies can be aware and respond with support.
Please note that volunteers with additional skills are needed and welcome for this effort! If you have gifts in phone calling, data entry, programming, web design, organizing – or more – please let us know when you respond.