Worker Justice
Study Action Guide
“Work is where many of us spend most of our waking hours. Work can give us a sense of purpose, an opportunity to share our talents, and a way to provide for ourselves and our families. Work is also a place where some of the most egregious injustices occur: a denial of basic human dignity, a lack of safety, and wage theft. This study guide, created by Worker Justice Wisconsin (WJW) and the Wisconsin Council of Churches, aims to help Christians understand the importance of worker justice. Rooted in the Bible and Christian teachings, the four sessions explore key aspects of worker justice, the ways Christians advocated for workers’ rights throughout history, and why worker justice is a crucial issue that warrants the attention and support of faith allies. We invite participants to learn, discern, and commit themselves to the promotion of worker justice in Wisconsin.”
From Introduction of Worker Justice Study-Action Guide
In a collaboration between the Wisconsin Council of Churches and Worker Justice Wisconsin, we have launched a new study-action guide focused on worker justice.
This four session study-action guide will look at:
Faith & Labor 101: What is “worker justice”? Why is it a crucial issue for people of faith?
The Struggle for Workers’ Rights & the Crucial Role of Faith Allies
The Power of a Coalition: Collective Worker Organizing & How Faith Allies Lend Strength & Witness
How Worker Justice is Intersectional
This page will be updated periodically with supplemental materials. As of today, the links and handouts in the guide are the most current.