Loving Our Interfaith Neighbors

Study Action Guide

The Wisconsin Council of Churches is pleased to share with you this groundbreaking resource for Wisconsin congregations, “Loving our Interfaith Neighbors: A Study-Action Guide.”

On the 10th anniversary of September 11th, the WCC and the Islamic Society of Milwaukee co-hosted a day of dialogue as a powerful witness to the importance of interfaith understanding and cooperation in the aftermath of the tragedy that occurred a decade earlier. On this anniversary, over 250 Christians and Muslims shared in life-giving conversation as they focused on getting to know one another. From the energy of that event grew the idea for this educational resource to help local congregations build relationships with their interfaith neighbors across the state.

According to a recent national poll conducted by the Pew Research Center, only 52 percent of Americans know a Muslim and far fewer can claim any as friends. And because so many of us don’t really know our interfaith neighbors, it is then no surprise that unfair and inaccurate stereotypes take root, fueled by our divisive politics and the secular media. The Islamic faith, as a primary example, gets painted—unfairly and inaccurately—with the broad brush-strokes of terrorism.

A prior byproduct of the 10th anniversary event in Milwaukee was the WCC’s ecumenical statement detailing the “why” and “how” of interfaith relationships for Christians, which was adopted by our Board of Directors in 2014 and serves as the theological companion to this study guide.

Click to download a copy of “Loving Our Neighbor: A Statement of the Wisconsin Council of Church on Interfaith Relations

In the “Invitation to Action” at the conclusion of this policy statement, the WCC:

condemns all forms of intolerance which turn religious differences into excuses for defamations, stereotyping, and violence; to defend their victims; to challenge and to rebut statements about other faith groups or individuals that embody religious stereotyping, prejudice and bigotry

The “Loving our Interfaith Neighbors” study-action resource for Wisconsin congregations is written with these goals in mind, but our first step on the journey is to actually get to know those of other faith traditions.

As you and your congregation embark on this journey of “Loving our Interfaith Neighbors,” we pray for God’s richest blessings to be upon you and those of other faiths whom you will encounter. May we all be instruments of God’s grace and healing in the process.

Lesson Resources

Supplemental Resources