Will you become a Friend of the Council?
Invest in the ecumenical network that provides hope, resources, and visionary leadership for the church in this moment.
Your recurring monthly gift more sustains our transformational ministry of courage, justice, and holy imagination that reaches thousands of people in Wisconsin and beyond. We are seeking 100 new Friends of the Council this year. If you already know this is for you, click below to set up your recurring monthly donation.
For nearly 100 years Christians in Wisconsin have sought unity, reached beyond denominational boundaries to build understanding, and responded to critical community needs.
People connected to the Wisconsin Council of Churches are asking important questions together: What is the future of congregations? What is the most faithful way to invest resources? What information can we trust? How do we respond to the cries of the oppressed?
We need more people deeply invested in the future of the church to join us.
That’s why we’re inviting you to become more closely connected as a Friend of the Council.
The Wisconsin Council of Churches is thriving because of people like you who know that the Church is at its best when we work together. Our friends know that ecumenical networks are among the most interesting places to discern the future of ministry – dreaming together across many kinds of difference. Our friends, who are deeply invested in the future of the church, say things like this: “The Wisconsin Council of Churches is a refuge for my hope when hope is hard to find."
With you as a Friend, we can continue ministry that leads to testimony like this:
"So often we know of a big problem, like how to welcome thousands of refugees to our state, and we even know how we ought to respond, but we don’t have what we need which can be frustrating. But the responsiveness, structure, and staff of the WCC can provide a way for us to respond in faithful ways to situations that are beyond the grasp of any one person or congregation. The WCC lays out ways for people to follow Jesus and do what he calls us to do."
"The resources provided by the Wisconsin Council of Churches got me through months and months of pandemic ministry. I trust what WCC provides."
"There was a time when the church, for better or worse, worked well within the world around it. It felt like we knew who we were and where we belonged and how to be. But that’s not true now (if it ever was). God is stretching us and remaking us. The Wisconsin Council of Churches is a place where we can belong as we go through these difficult times. Here we know we are not alone. It seems to be the place where resurrection might happen."
"The Wisconsin Council of Churches has a clear vision when clarity is in short supply. Courage. Justice. Holy Imagination. Undergirded by sound biblical and theological understandings, these three values keep centering us on the most important work of the Church, to love our neighbors as ourselves."