Faith & Gun Violence
Study Action Guide
Where we began…
This project began to take shape at an Annual Meeting workshop when representatives of many of our member denominations gathered for a discussion on our varied approaches to the crisis of gun violence facing our churches, communities and world. This work was given more urgency in the wake of the Ash Wednesday attack at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. In a Lenten Call to Action, we wrote these words to our members:
“We believe it is possible to address the scourge of gun violence as a people of faith, not fear. We believe our faith compels us to act, standing with the traumatized, aligning ourselves with the hope of transformation and new life.”
This study-action guide is the result of two years of faithful listening, cross+generational connection, and continuous commitment to the belief that that the Spirit calls us to action in multiple ways. It includes individual testimony to the impact of gun violence, guides to addressing gun violence through worship, single- or multi-session discussions, a list of action steps to consider, church security and safer church resources, and theological reflections.
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Who is My Neighbor? Multigenerational Conversations on Faith & Gun Violence.