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Immigration & Faith Communities Preparing and Protecting Organizations  

January 28th, 2:00pm Central, online

Join the Wisconsin Council of Churches and the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin for a co-sponsored webinar to resource local faith communities and similar organizations to consider and plan for the potential concerns and risks related to potential changes to immigration policies.  This webinar will share the current landscape of immigration in Wisconsin– changes to previous practices and policies, the impact of Wisconsin specific laws, etc – share available resources for people directly impacted by potential mass deportations (including immigrant clergy), and then provide leaders with a variety of questions to consider as they determine how they will do ministry in this important area.

Note: This webinar will NOT be recorded.

This webinar will be led by:

Dr. Melinda Brennan, Executive Director, ACLU-WI
Rev. Tina Itson, Director of Development & Engagement, ACLU-WI
Rev. Breanna Illéné, Director of Ecumenical Innovation and Justice Initiatives, Wisconsin Council of Churches

Donations fund the work of the WCC so that we can continue to offer support to respond to justice issues in our state.

January 21

Immigration, Congregations, and Ministry in 2025

February 4

Storytelling for Change and Imagining a More Just Future