Response to Polarization & Extremism
The Wisconsin Council of Churches is committed to work that educates and informs voters, protects democracy and promotes nonviolent action against voter suppression which particularly targets marginalized communities. We lift up a vision of an inclusive, multiracial democracy.
Past Trainings and Statements from WCC
A Time for Judgement and Hope
A Statement following the Assault at the US Capitol
Election Violence: How Do We Prepare? Faith Leaders Training
(Faith in Public Life)
Count Every Vote Weekend of Action Toolkit
Sermon helps, talking points, social media posts and more. Great for last-minute preachers (or last-minute preacher pivots!)
The Reunited States
A documentary that follows people engaged in the difficult work of bridging our political and racial divides. The website includes resources for depolarizing yourself, fixing conversations, and dealing with family dynamics.
The Science of Polarization and Insights for Bridge-Building
From Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE) Medium, (Nov 27 2019) – To build bridges amidst polarization, we need to learn from scientific research on social identity and intergroup dynamics so that we can build relationships across power and difference and amplify norms of tolerance and inclusion.
Counteracting Dangerous Narratives in the Time of COVID-19: A Guide for the United States,
A report from Over Zero, (May 2020). – “COVID-19 threatens to exacerbate divisions and foster conditions that can fuel hate and violence. In the face of these risks, leaders and communities can take key steps to promote inclusion, dignity, and respect.
Complicating the Narrative on Bridging and Division: A New Series from CEP and PACE – The Center for Effective Philanthropy
How Religion Can Help Put our Democracy Back Together
The Washington Post “Religion can’t solve every problem facing our democracy, but maybe, if we step into the mystery, it can help.” Addresses possibilities and shortfalls/dangers.
Project Over Zero
This offers resources to counteract and prevent identity-based violence and other forms of group-targeted harm through leveraging communication-based tools. The website includes introductions to the roles of social identity, negative emotion and group norms, as well as reports and tool kits for responding to division, hate, and the threat of violence.