
Ideas and resources from WCC staff and Church leaders across the state.

Carter Baldwin Carter Baldwin

Reaching a Fork in the Road: Digital Ministry in 2023

March of 2020 is a time when the Church became digital. Many of us had thought about our online presence, some had experimented with livestreaming services, but with the onset of the COVID pandemic and the danger of in-person gatherings, we were forced entirely online. The Church was not closed, but it looked incredibly different in those early days of the pandemic as so many experimented with different tools and approaches and quickly and bravely pivoted their ministry into digital space.

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Carter Baldwin Carter Baldwin

Hopeful Futures: A Resource for Congregations with Uncertain Futures

Concluding ministry was some of the hardest and holiest work I’ve ever done.” These words spoken by Rev. Diane Kenaston of the Good Friday Collaborative speak to the theme of a recent webinar she led with the WCC. Many congregations are struggling to pay bills and wondering if it’s faithful stewardship to spend so much on a building.

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Carter Baldwin Carter Baldwin

Digital Ministry Road Trip Wrap Up

For the past several years, much of my work has taken place in digital space. COVID forced us online and I remained there as it is more efficient and cost-effective for a statewide organization to hold meetings online rather than driving everywhere. But this summer I hit the road as a part of a Digital Ministry Road Trip.

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