WCC joins multifaith coalition in lawsuit opposing federal government rescission of ICE sensitive locations policy.

The WCC is proud to join a multifaith coalition and the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) in opposition to the rescission of ICE’s sensitive locations policy, which is a direct violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This decision directly interferes with our members’ ability to fulfill their religious mandate and serve all congregants equally and with the dignity they deserve. We don’t take this step lightly, but this extreme action from the federal government challenges a foundation of our faith and threatens to shatter our consecrated spaces. Our faith compels us to take a stand and protect our places of worship.

You can read more about the lawsuit and other plaintiffs joining this action here. (En español aquí.)

For ecumenical theological resources and other information from the WCC, we invite you to explore:


Sign the Petition:  Sensitive Locations, Sacred Spaces


The Goodness Found in Community