Urgent Help Needed to Maintain Critical Services to Sensitive Populations

WCC Treasurer asks for your urgent support

March 27, 2025

Dear friends –

Every day, the current federal administration announces a new funding freeze or reduction in services. These cuts have collectively undermined the systems that we use to care for our most vulnerable neighbors both here in the United States and abroad. Today, one of those funding cuts directly impacted the ministry of the Wisconsin Council of Churches (WCC).

This morning, a multi-year contract that the WCC had with the State of Wisconsin to assist with vaccine outreach initiatives was terminated immediately. While the notice came from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (which has been an exceptional partner), they were only the messenger. The instruction to terminate the project came from the federal level. At the WCC we recognize we are not alone in the destructive outcomes of these cancelled contracts. Other public health initiatives are also feeling the impact of such a sudden and irresponsible choice.  

The WCC work most directly affected is community health. Several years ago, the State of Wisconsin saw in the WCC a partner that could reach communities that are often underserved by conventional efforts. WCC staff was able to organize vaccine clinics and provide education all over Wisconsin through our partner congregations in ways that the regular public health infrastructure could not.

At present, we have a very dedicated staff member who specializes in connecting with immigrants and Spanish-speaking residents. She is able to do her work effectively because of the relationships that were formed over the past four years. She continues to help improve public health in these sensitive populations. She has helped us offer our first-ever Spanish-language webinar and is working with immigrants of other nationalities as well. We have committed to supporting her training as a Community Health Worker and through an apprenticeship.

The cut today results in a $70,000 deficit in the WCC budget. The notification of unilaterally terminated public health contracts will mean the near-immediate end of her work. It will imperil relationships of love and trust that have been formed through hard work and care. We are acting urgently to ask you to step up and fill this gap.

At the WCC, we believe that the love of Christ is most clearly demonstrated in how we serve and love folks that others don’t even notice. We notice them because God notices them. Please consider a gift of any size to keep our community health worker engaged and active in these communities.

In Christ,


The Rev. Don Fleischman
Treasurer, Wisconsin Council of Churches
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Milwaukee

Friends, we have set up an online form if that is the easiest way for you to give. If you’d prefer to donate by check, please mail your gift to WCC, 203 Wisconsin Ave., Madison WI 53703. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization and your donations may be tax-deductible.

-              Rev Kerri Parker, Executive Director


For Religious Liberty and Against Christian Nationalism