Gun Violence Advocacy
We believe it is possible to address the scourge of gun violence as a people of faith, not fear. We believe our faith compels us to act, standing with the traumatized, aligning ourselves with the hope of transformation and new life.
Faith & Gun Violence Study Action Guide
The result of two years of faithful listening, cross-generational connection, and continuous commitment to the belief that that the Spirit calls us to action in multiple ways, this study action guide can be a key to your advocacy against gun violence. It includes individual testimony to the impact of gun violence, guides to addressing gun violence through worship, single- or multi-session discussions, a list of action steps to consider, church security and safer church resources, and theological reflections.
WCC Resources
If We Just Talk of Thoughts and Prayers, Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
God Not Guns Worship Guide (Brady Center)
Worship/Vigil/Action Resources for Times of Gun Violence from the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Lectionary on Gun Violence (North Carolina Council of Churches)
American Baptist Home Mission Societies’ Board Adopts Gun Violence Statement(American Baptist)
A 60-Day Journey Toward Justice in a Culture of Gun Violence (ELCA)
From Controlling Guns to Making Peace: An Assessment of ELCA Social Policy and Public Witness (ELCA)
Episcopal Bishops against gun violence: statistics with backup articles, liturgical resources, etc
Learn, Pray, Join: End Gun Violence.(Mennonite)
Gun Violence, Gospel Values Study Guide (Presbyterian Church USA)
Gun Violence Policies, Studies and Resources (Presbyterian Church USA)
Backgrounder on Gun Violence: A Mercy and Peacebuilding Approach to Gun Violence (Roman Catholic)
Let’s End Gun Violence (United Church of Christ)
Peace with Justice: Gun Violence Prevention (United Methodist Church)
FEMA Resources to Protect Your House of Worship
News Interview with Boston-area pastors following Texas shooting on their responses, training for ushers, ‘Welcoming & Watchful’ stance, commitment to welcoming the stranger. (interview with pastors begins about 2 minutes in and ends about 16 minutes in)
National Disaster Interfaith Network -
Garry Wills, “Our Moloch” on The New York Review of Books December 15, 2012
Dr. Paul Silas Peterson, “Why Gun Violence calls for Religion in Politics” Sojourners, 10/07/2015
Daniel Schultz, “Why the Church Can’t Stop Gun Violence” Religion Dispatches, December 3, 2015
Kate Shellnut, “A Top Reason for Church Shootings: Domestic Abuse” Christianity Today, November 7, 2017
Hunting and Gun Violence: Lily Raff Maccallou, “Confessions of A Sensible Gun Owner” New York Times, October 7, 2017
Blueprint for Peace (City of Milwaukee Office of Violence Prevention) community-driven agenda for addressing the complex factors that drive violence in Milwaukee
Wisconsin Resources and Legislative Advocacy from Giffords Law Center
WAVE - Wisconsin Anti- Violence Effort
80% Coalition - advocacy, business, education, faith-based, professional and service organizations committed to pushing back against hate and urging our legislators at the state and federal levels to pass commonsense gun violence prevention legislation.
Gun Violence Archive: a not-for-profit corporation formed to provide free online public access to accurate information about gun-related violence in the United States.
Faith and Leadership (Duke Divinity School) has collected a number of essays and other resources
Wear Orange Weekend: First weekend in June – Show support for a future free from gun violence
Sample Pastoral Letter to Congregation Providing Action Steps – From Rev. Jenny Arneson, Sun Prairie UMC